Deleted Nudes Permanently Leak on Apple?!

"Apple no delte files!"

Deleted Nudes Permanently Leak on Apple?!

New iOS update is resurfacing deleted files that users thought were gone.

In some cases, nude photos, after the user wiped it and sold the device.

According to the Verge, quote:

“Apple appears to have a bug that’s dredging up data that iPhone owners thought was gone. Some iPhone owners are reporting that, after updating their phones to iOS 17.5, their deleted photos — some quite old — are popping up again, according to a Reddit thread that MacRumors spotted. iOS beta testers had the same complaints about the bug last week.”

This is quite possible since it’s syncing with the Apple cloud, and may not be rewritten with 1s and 0s correctly. Data when it’s deleted is just removing the pointer to that data, and it’s not fully deleted in such a way that it can’t be recovered until overwritten. This new version of iOS apparently is bringing to light a serious issue with Apple’s data policies, especially since most users do sync with the cloud.

Some sources are now reporting nude photos coming back EVEN AFTER wiping the device. Quote The Verge, “a person claimed in a later post that “around 300” of their old pictures, some of which were “revealing,” appeared on an iPad they’d wiped per Apple’s guidelines and sold to a friend.”

So if you haven’t already, consider switching to Linux and DeGoogled phone. This way you don’t have to worry about the permanent data leak issue, that comes from sync with a cloud you don’t control the data wiping policies of.

The sources for this article can be found here

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